Senate committee raises concerns over Siaya County funds

Saturday, 13 April, 2024

Senate committee raises concerns over Siaya County funds

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The Senate Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds, chaired by Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi, today scrutinized Siaya County's financial management. Governor James Orengo faced questioning regarding findings from Auditor-General reports concerning several funds, including the Siaya County Education Bursary Fund, the Siaya County Emergency Fund, and the Siaya County Alcoholic Drinks Fund, covering fiscal years ending in June 2020, 2021, and 2022.

The Committee uncovered administrative and management shortcomings within the funds' operations. Senator Osotsi stressed the need for timely submission of audit documents as per the Public Audit Act of 2015, warning that "Failure to comply will result in investigation and potential prosecution."

To rectify the situation, the Committee stressed meticulous record-keeping practices in line with the Public Finance Management Act of 2012. ย Senator Osotsi urged the county executives to ensure, "appropriately qualified Account and Finance personnel with necessary training to be able to assist in serving the people of Siaya."

Governor Orengo was given 90 days to implement Siaya County Emergency Fund regulations. The Committee further directed that all Fund Administrators must submit their financial statements and associated records to the Internal Audit Unit for performance reviews, as mandated by the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations of 2015.

The Senate Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds


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