House Leadership
Hon. Sen Kathuri Murungi, MP
Hon. Sen Kathuri Murungi, MP

Political Career
Hon. Sen Kathuri Murungi, MP is the Senator for Meru County and The Deputy Speaker Senate. He is also a Lead Auditor expert with ISO Certificate Lead Auditor Bureau Veritas, Kenya. (ISO9001: 2008. Quality
Management Systems), Lead Auditor Bureau Veritas Kenya; (ISO:14001: 2004 Environmental Management Systems), with accredition to practice.Hon. Kathuri is also a member in The Environment Institute of Kenya
Sen. Kathuri Murungi has had an array of experience in the Environmental sector auditing the industrial firms and institutions mode of operation within Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan as the Lead Consultant at Kenface Africa ltd and reviewing their implication to the ecological sustainability. In the course of his profession, Sen. Kathuri Murungi continues to impact positive leadership and legislative roles on policy and law making, supporting sustainable natural resource management laws and projects, and with a personal interest in practicing politics for development. He also thrives in charity work involvement and youth empowerment in different capacities under his jurisdiction.
Career outside politics
He was re-elected into The National Assembly as an Indipendent Candidate in 2017 and served as the Chairman in the newly established Special Funds Accounts Committee. In this official capacity, Hon. Kathuri Murungi spearheaded oversight of the National Government Constituency Development Fund(CDF), Uwezo Fund, Youth Entreprise Fund, Women Entreprise Fund to mention but a few special funds curated by the National Government. Hon. Murungi is a distinguished alumnus of Egerton University, Njoro with a Bachelor of Science. Natural Resources Management. He also has Leadership and Policy making certification on; Effective leadership in a volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous World and Strategies for strengthening Legislative Oversight, Accountability and Good Governance from The Hult International Business school Dubai, UAE and a Leadership, Ethics and Governance Course from The Basel Institute Istanbul, Turkey.
Deputy Speaker
Leader of the Minority Party