National Assembly
The Higher Education Loans Board (Amendment) Bill, 2023

A Bill for an Act of parliament to amend the Higher Education Loans Board Act.

Enacted by the Parliament of Kenya, as follows-

  1. This Act may be cited as the Higher Education Loans board (Amendment) Act, 2023.
  2. Section 2 of the Higher Education Loans board Act (herein after referred to as the Principal act) is amended by inserting the following new paragraphs in their proper alphabetical sequence-

“disability” includes any physical, sensory, mental, psychological or other impairment, condition or illness that has, or is perceived by significant sectors of the community to have, a sibstancial or long-term effect on an individual’s ability to carry out ordinary day-to-day activities;

“youth” means a person who-

  1. Has attained the age pf eighteen years; but
  2. Has not attained the age of thirty-five years.
Machakos Town
Bill Progress
National Assembly
1st Reading
2nd Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
3rd Reading
1st Reading
2nd Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
3rd Reading
Final Stages
Consideration of amendment
Presidential Assent